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Motivational steps to help you ease back into your routine

Hi everyone!

Happy new year! I hope you’ve all managed to get back into a routine this week?

We’ve all been enjoying the Christmas break – some well needed time off and rest. But now it’s time to get back to it and start working on the 2017 goals!

I thought I’d share some motivational steps to help ease you back into the routine and get you inspired to get the ball rolling.

1. Drop the guilt Everyone is in the same boat, don’t sit there reminiscing about how fit and slim you were before the holidays and accept that it’s only a few pounds of body fat. 2. Set a realistic goal Generic goals, such as “I want to lose 5kg” don’t tend to work as well as those that are more specific. Instead, a better aim would be, “I want to fit back into my favourite jeans by Easter.” Figure out exactly what you want, but more importantly, why you want it. Then write it down, so you can look back to it for motivation when the going gets tough. 3. Decide how much you want it Lots of people at this time of year will try to make excuses and say, “I’ll just take it slowly, and start with one day a week.”. However, if you really want to achieve something significant, you have to go at it full steam and be prepared to put in the effort. 4. Buy new workout gear Preferably a whole new outfit – or two! This will help give you the boost in confidence to get started, as well as get you in the right frame of mind to continue with your workouts during the weeks afterwards. 5. Invest in training I don’t mean join a gym – you’ll only go a few times, get bored and stop going. We all start with the best intentions but, without accountability, your newfound drive can dry up quicker than leftover mince pies. Look into personal training sessions or class packages – there will be loads of deals on at this time of year. A trainer will help you stay on the straight and narrow, while exercising with others is proven to help motivate and keep you pushing on through when your legs feel like jelly. If budget is an issue, find something cheaper that you enjoy doing. Join a running club, go climbing, or start dancing. Doing something you enjoy makes it far more likely you will stick to and even look forward to it!

6. Count calories Aside from your kit and training plan, you have to think about nutrition. Create a daily calorie deficit – so burn off more calories than you consume each day. It is impossible not to lose weight if you continue to do this over time. What’s more, those post-Christmas pounds are far easier to get rid of than the last stubborn bit of belly fat we all tend to hold on to. Hurrah! Set yourself a realistic daily calorie target, around 20-30 per cent below your daily recommended allowance (2000 for women, 2500 for men). Counting calories is often the method that gets the best results. Try to get most of your intake from a variety of vegetables, lean meats and fish, and a small amount of fruit, seeds, and nuts. Also drink lots of water – aim for around three litres per day. Getting in your H2O will not only keep you hydrated (which we know is vital for our bodies to work at their best), but it will also help you feel fuller and, in turn, fight any hunger pangs. 7. De-clutter Clear out your fridge, freezer and cupboards. To succeed at any nutrition plan you have to be prepared. Throw out everything left over from the festivities and give away those extra boxes of chocolate. Think: out of sight, out of mind. And – sorry – your clear out applies to those tipples, too. Drinking alcohol makes it notoriously difficult to stick to your fitness resolutions. Along with the unnecessary extra calories, it has the habit of stopping you going to the gym and tempting you to eat junk food. Remember: you’re not alone in feeling like you’ve overdone it a bit at Christmas and getting back to your pre-festive fitness levels is totally achievable. Stick to the above steps, keep your head down, and get the job done. If you follow a strict plan with an element of accountability, you will be back in shape in no time.

See you soon


“Don’t look back, you’re not going that way!”

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