Is palm oil healthy?
How many of you are confused about what you read in the papers and hear on the news weekly? What’s healthy and what’s not? Well one...

Eating healthy when you're not feeling well
You’ve all been making great progress during your sessions these last few weeks leading up to Christmas! A few of you have felt under the...

12 foods you should eat every week
I read an interesting article in The Times last week and thought I’d share it with you guys. It’s the 12 foods you should be eating every...

Can I eat butter on my healthy eating regime?”
Hi everyone! Have you all been thinking about food as much as I have this week? One question I get asked time and time again is “can I...

7 reasons why fasting is good for you
Hi everyone! Has everyone had a good week and made it to the gym at least once? A question that’s been up for discussion in the gym has...

All about Omega 3 and 6
Hi everyone! Has everyone had a good start to the week and made it to the gym at least once? A question that’s been up for discussion in...

Why it’s important to get your nutrition in check early on
Hi everyone! Have you all been thinking about food as much as I have this week? Are you all finding a balance between exercising and...

Shedding light on “Low Carb” diet
Hello everyone! Firstly a huge “well done” to everyone I’ve had the pleasure of training this week! We've had some really pleasing...

All you need to know about Low GI Carbs
Have you all had an enjoyable week? I hope you didn't overindulge on pancakes on Tuesday? Are you all now pressing on with your healthy...

Answers to the question: “Can I eat bread and which one is the best?”
Has everyone had a good week and made it to the gym at least once? All this exercise we do isn’t possible without the carbohydrates in...