Why some people hate exercise

How are you getting on this week without me? Have you all done something active? How did it go? Did you perform well and feel better afterwards for it? What’s left on the exercise agenda for the weekend?
Are you feeling on course with healthy eating? Has it been a good week? Could you drink a little bit more water and feel the benefits and just curb those habits that never leave you feeling very good. Try and do the best you really can.
I have heard good reports that if you haven’t made it to the gym then you’ve been out walking and exercising regardless.Well done guys...keep up the good work.
I’m looking forward to your positive news next week upon my return.
Today’s Topic
So this week guys I’m discussing why some people hate exercise.
We are all tirelessly aware of the benefits of regular exercise. You can’t turn on the TV or radio without someone somewhere reminding you of how it will help you lose weight, tone up, get fitter, save your life etc!
We all know we have to exercise depending on what we want to achieve but this doesn’t always mean you enjoy it or even love doing it.
Are you one of those people who gets little to no pleasure from exercising?
Exercise is hardwired into our genes...it’s been researched and recorded so! So because exercise is good for us then surely we should automatically love it right? The problem is that from an evolutionary perspective there was never any need to make exercise enjoyable. There was no survival advantage in going for a run or doing press ups...it would of been a waste of valuable energy. Our ancestors got all the exercise they needed by simply surviving.
Studies have shown that while some people enjoy exercise there are some that simply do not. They are predisposed to respond more negatively to puffing and panting than others and their mood plummets if they are forced to do it. The result is...they give up.
Fortunately just as we can train our bodies to become more efficient, so we can coax our minds to become more focused and to respond to better motivational triggers.
How to keep at it:
Starting something new is easy. It’s keeping going that is difficult.
It helps before you start it helps to think about your reasons in a structured way. Thoughts like: "I’d like to lose weight” and “I’d like to be fitter” are not going to keep you motivated when you want to lie in bed that extra hour.
Specific: Think about what exactly are you going to do. Specify which days and times you are going to exercise and give it enough thought to ensuring it’s sustainable.
Measurable: Blood markers? Body fat %? Waist size? Photo of yourself at your largest? Keep an exercise diary in which you record your baseline statistics re performance, fitness or health or simply the number of sessions you manage to complete in a week.
Attainable: Goals need to be realistic and achievable. You are not going to change from an exercise hating couch potato into a gym bunny overnight. Instead of saying “I will lose 10 lbs” say “I will take the stairs at work every day”.
Rewarding: Celebrate your achievements (even if your just starting out). Treat yourself (not with donuts). Share your success with others.
Time specific: Commit to doing your chosen regime for at least 3 months. Once you see the changes you are more likely to keep going.
Strategies while exercising
We cope with the psychological pressures of exercising in 1 of 2 ways: either we tune into our bodies and focus on what we are doing or we dissociate, think of other things and generally try to distract ourselves.
Self affirming mantras can help if you need that extra kick to get going...shout to yourself “keep going, not much longer, I can get through this, nearly there!”
Pay attention to the parts of your body which are putting in the most effort, such as your legs when pedalling or running. This will help you keep the pace and rhythm. Then as you become tired it can help you to reframe or reinterpret the feeling...”This burning in my thighs is good – it means I am clearing out my arteries, burning some fat!”
Maintaining your focus also means that you are more likely to hear warning signals coming from your body if you are pushing too hard.
Fitness Fact of the week
If you are tempted to take anti-inflammatory agents like aspirin or ibuprofen before doing exercise to reduce the muscle soreness afterwards. Don’t! Studies have shown they won’t reduce muscle soreness and they can cause bleeding in the stomach and gastrointestinal leakage (bacteria getting out of your gut and into your blood).
Quote of the week
“We were born to move. Some of us more reluctantly than others. So let’s find ways to do it more.”
Keep active & see you soon