The Paleo way of eating
It’s Sunday afternoon and that usually means social gatherings based around food and people that we love. And sometimes we are guilty of eating more than we usually do or certain things that we know aren’t overly healthy.
But who has added some exercise into the mix? Have you walked the dog today, been out for a bike ride with the kids or even hit the gym. The day isn’t over so there is still time to get some activity into your day.
I hope you are all feeling positive and ready for the week ahead.
Today’s Topic:
I’d like to shed a little light on the Paleo way of eating. Many clients have had much success and enjoyment from following Paleo for body fat loss and a healthier change in lifestyle.
The Paleolithic way of eating is also known as the hunter-gatherer diet. Thought to be eaten by our ancestors thousands of years ago. Basically the diet that we are genetically adapted to.
It includes any food that could be hunted or found such as meats, fish, nuts, leafy greens and seeds.
Human genetics have not changed over the years to accommodate the modern diet (full of refined foods, trans fats & sugars) and so there is an increase of chronic diseases such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes and obesity (which non of our ancestors suffered from).
The paleo way is based around a nutrient dense, toxin-free, whole food diet...think of it as a healthy eating regime that can be maintained for life rather than a “diet”.
The Paleo diet is naturally lower in carbohydrates than the modern diet and automatically eliminates many foods that are low in nutrients and high in calories. It also eliminates processed foods which are high in hidden sugars, fats and toxins. It can reduce the intake of foods that may cause intolerances or allergies or food that are hard to digest by the body.
The Paleo carbohydrates are low GI meaning they create slow and limited raises in blood sugar and insulin levels so your body’s blood sugar balance can improve. It can also sustain your appetite for longer because you are eating more protein and good fat.
So what can you eat? Lean cuts of meat are closest to the wild meat the Paleolithic man would of found. Fish and seafood are on the list too. Vegetables and fruits, eggs, nuts and seeds, leafy greens & healthy oils such as olive, flaxseed, avocado, coconut and walnut.
What should you avoid? All grains, legumes (including peanuts) and pulses, cereal grains, dairy, potatoes, salt and refined sugars.
If you’re trying to lose body fat then avoid eating high sugar fruits such as bananas, mangos, grapes, pineapples & kiwis to begin with.
Most people find the 8:20 rule helpful when following Paleo. Spend 80 % of your time following Paleo and 20 % being less strict. So if you find a day or night where you really can’t stick to it (for example you are invited out) don’t panic. Just count that as your 20 % of being non-Paleo for that week and get right back to it the following day or meal.
However one sticking point for many people is alcohol. Alcohol isn’t allowed on the diet.
The take home message is if your diet is high in processed foods, coffee, alcohol, wheat and dairy it may take a while to adjust to Paleo. You have to find the foods that work for you and keep a food diary to log how you felt after eating certain things. You could also suffer from withdrawals when cutting out unhealthy foods. It can take a while to feel good from a new routine and to see your body shape change.
Make small, sustainable changes gradually.
Maintain the changes for life not just a few weeks.
Fitness Fact of the week
Protein is not stored in the body the same way as carbohydrate and fat. Protein forms muscle & organ tissue used as building material rather than an energy store. However proteins can be broken down to release energy if needed. When are these times of need? Usually the latter stages of very strenuous or prolonged exercise such as the end of a marathon.
Quote of the week
“Eating healthy makes me happy”
Keep active & see you soon